Configure Preferences: Other |
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Menu: Configure > Preferences
Default Shortcut Key: none
Macro function: ConfigurePreferences()
The Other page of the Configure Preferences dialog box contains options which do not logically group with its other pages. Among these are startup options, Spell Checker options and miscellaneous options:
Other options Allow multiple instances of Boxer Use this option to control whether or not multiple instances of Boxer are allowed to run concurrently. When multiple instances are allowed, a new Boxer session will be launched each time the program is run. When multiple instances are disallowed, each would-be instance of Boxer will pass the files named for editing to the session which is already running. If files are not named for editing the existing session will simply become current.
Enable support for Intellimouse Use this option to enable support for the Microsoft Intellimouse device. The Intellimouse has a mousewheel which permits a document to be scrolled without the use of the Vertical Scroll Bar. The mousewheel also doubles as a center mouse button, and can therefore be used to perform columnar text selections.
Minimize Boxer when closing last file When this option is active, Boxer will minimize itself to the task bar when its last file is closed. Click on the Boxer button in the task bar to restore the application.
Find Differing Lines will ignore spaces Use this option to force the Find Differing Lines command to ignore leading and trailing Spaces and Tabs when comparing lines. Lines which differ only in their indent, or due to trailing whitespace, will be considered equal.
Find Differing Lines will search the current line for additional differences Use this option to instruct the Find Differing Lines command to continue search along the current line for differences after the first difference has been reported. A manual re-syncing of the text cursor position may be required.
Word/Sentence/Title case commands will convert text to lowercase before operation When applying Word, Sentence or Title case to a text selection, the question arises whether or not the text should first be forced to lowercase before the operation is performed. When this checkbox is checked, the case of the selected text will be adjusted before applying the requested conversion. You may wish to review the text after conversion to ensure that proper nouns, acronyms, and other capitalized words have been properly converted.
Calendar week starts on Use this option to designate the day-of-week which should be used to start a week in the Calendar. The default setting is Sunday, but users in some countries will prefer a different setting.
Spell Checker Ignore words in all UPPERCASE Use this option to indicate that the Spell Checker should ignore words which appear in uppercase during its operation. This helps prevent false reports when spell checking files which contain acronyms or filenames.
Ignore Email and URL addresses Use this option to indicate that the Spell Checker should ignore email and URL addresses during its operation.
Recheck word before replacing Use of this option causes the Spell Checker to recheck a replacement word before making the change. This provides a double check when you elect to type a replacement word rather than using one from the supplied list.
Move dialog to prevent overlap Use this option to request that the Spell Checker position its dialog box so as not to obscure the context of the suspect word which is being reported. The position of the mouse cursor is moved along with the dialog, so you won't need to 'chase' the dialog around the screen throughout a spell checking session.
Check Repeated Words Use this option to request that the Spell Checker watch for repeated words, such as 'the 'the'. When an offending sequence is found, an option will be provided to delete the duplicated word.
Check Mixed Case Words Use this option to request that the Spell Checker check the spelling of mixed case words. Mixed case words can occur due to a typographical error, or when an acronym (GmbH) or company name (SoftSeek) is being used.
Put suspect word in Change box Use this option if you prefer that the suspect word be placed in the Change edit box.
Put suggested word in Change box Use this option if you prefer that the suggested correction be placed in the Change edit box.
Startup options Always start with a new file (when no files are named) Use this option if you prefer that Boxer open a new, untitled file whenever it is launched and another filename is not supplied. This option is not available when the Restore previous sessions option is active.
Restore previous sessions (when no files are named) Use this option if you prefer that Boxer restore the previous edit session whenever it is launched and another filename is not supplied. The restored session will maintain the sizes and positions of all windows, the cursor position in each file, split windows status, and much more. This option is not available when the Always start with a new file option is active.
Add newly named files to a restored session Use this option if you prefer that newly named files be added to the edit session which is being restored. This option is not available unless the Restore previous sessions option is also active.
Insert Symbols The edit boxes within this section permit the definition of up to eight character values for use with the Insert Symbols feature. The values for the characters are entered in decimal format, and must reside in the range 1 to 255. The defined character is displayed to the right of each edit box using the same character set (ANSI or OEM) that is in use in the editor itself. This should help ensure that the characters are displayed as expected. If a character does not display within the dialog with the expected representation, this should not be cause for alarm. Simply verify that the character has the expected appearance when inserted into the text file. |