Boxer Shorts

Below you'll find a collection of tips, tricks and techniques that we (and our users) have developed while using Boxer. If you have ideas for other tips which might be suitable for this list, please email us.

Boxer Shorts A range of lines can be indented in a single step. Just select the range of lines to be affected and choose Indent from the Block menu. Indent can be performed with either Spaces or Tabs.
Boxer Shorts Boxer can select text in either stream mode or column mode. Choose Stream Selection or Column Selection from the Block menu.
Boxer Shorts Boxer's ANSI and OEM Charts can also serve as base converters. Because values are displayed in decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary, these charts can be consulted to quickly lookup and convert among bases.
Boxer Shorts By specifying a directory name as the program to be run when defining a User Tool, you can cause Explorer to load that directory for viewing.
Boxer Shorts When text is not selected, the Cut, Copy, Append and Cut Append commands will operate on the current line. When just a single line is being manipulated, this is faster than selecting the line in the usual way.
Boxer Shorts When editing program source code, Boxer can display Help for the keyword or library routine at the text cursor. Just use the Configure Syntax Highlighting dialog to assign the full filepath of your compiler's help file to the 'Help File' parameter for that language. Then when you request Help from within a source code file, Boxer will present the help topic for the word at the cursor.
Boxer Shorts The current time and/or date can be inserted into the edited file by double clicking on either of these displays in the lower right corner of the screen.
Boxer Shorts The edit mode can be toggled between Insert and Typeover modes by double clicking on the edit mode display box in the status bar.
Boxer Shorts The Go to Line dialog box can be summoned by double clicking on the line number display in the status bar.
Boxer Shorts The Go to Column dialog box can be summoned by double clicking on the column number display in the status bar.
Boxer Shorts Boxer will display email addresses in color when they are found in text files. Just double click on the address to run your MAPI compliant email program and send a message.
Boxer Shorts Boxer will display Internet addresses in color when they are found in text files. Just double click on the address to start your Internet browser with the highlighted address.
Boxer Shorts When editing HTML files, use the Open File in Browser command to display the current file in your Internet browser. This command appears in the Open Other menu of the File menu.
Boxer Shorts If the Paste command is issued when there are no files open in the editor, an untitled file will be created automatically.
Boxer Shorts Use the Find Fast command in the Search menu to quickly locate the next occurrence of the word under the text cursor.
Boxer Shorts You can place wildcard file specifications on Boxer's command line to load many files at once. For example, use 'B *.TXT' to load all files with a .TXT file extension.
Boxer Shorts The File Open dialog can be used to create new folders, and to rename and delete files. Simply use the Create New Folder icon, or right click on a file to view your options.
Boxer Shorts You can open multiple files at once using the File Open dialog. Simply use the Shift and/or Ctrl keys to make additional selections before clicking OK.
Boxer Shorts You can add words to the Spell Checker's user dictionary by adding them to the file USERDICT.TXT, one word per line.
Boxer Shorts Several commands are available within the View menu to alter the appearance of your screen. Line numbers, bookmarks, scroll bars, toolbar, status bar, visible spaces and the ruler can all be turned on or off.
Boxer Shorts You can select text by columns — regardless of the current selection mode — by holding down the Ctrl key before selecting with the mouse. You can force a stream selection when the mode is columnar by using Shift when selecting with the mouse.
Boxer Shorts To open a file in read-only mode, check the Read-Only checkbox in the File Open dialog when selecting a file. Boxer will forbid changes from being made to a file opened in this mode.
Boxer Shorts Clicking the mouse in the far left margin of the editor window causes a full line to become selected. Use Shift+Click to later extend the selection to another line.
Boxer Shorts When the Ruler is displayed, clicking on a column in the ruler causes the text cursor to be positioned to that column in the editor window.
Boxer Shorts The file filters available within the File Open dialog can be changed via the File I/O tab of the Configure Preferences dialog box.
Boxer Shorts Double clicking on a word causes the word to become selected.
Boxer Shorts Additional language dictionaries for the Spell Checker are available for download at our website.
Boxer Shorts You can open a file in Boxer's read-only hex mode viewer by using the Hex Mode command in the File|Open Other menu.
Boxer Shorts You can use the Escape (Esc) key to cancel the current text selection. Escape can also be used to cancel most dialog boxes.
Boxer Shorts If the Save command is issued for an untitled file, the Save As dialog box is automatically displayed instead.
Boxer Shorts You can append text to the clipboard by holding down the Shift key when using either the Cut or Copy buttons on the toolbar.
Boxer Shorts Boxer comes with several pre-defined keyboard layouts which mimic other popular programs. Use the Configure Keyboard command to select the active layout.
Boxer Shorts Use the Fast Frame command in the Tools menu to quickly add a frame around a column-selected area. A variety of line drawing styles are available.
Boxer Shorts The Error Chart command in the Tools menu presents a list of Windows Error Codes which can be searched by error number. Each error code is displayed along with descriptive text about the error.
Boxer Shorts The Quote and Reformat command can be used to apply quote markers to a paragraph in the style commonly used for email replies. The quoting sequence can be set via Configure|Preferences|Editing.
Boxer Shorts You can use the Strip HTML Codes command within the Block menu to remove HTML tags from a selected range of lines.
Boxer Shorts The Spell Checker can be run on source code files, and can be set to spell check only that text which is found within quoted strings and/or comments!
Boxer Shorts Boxer can perform Color Syntax Printing, whereby a source code file can be printed to a color printer with syntax coloration appearing on the printed page!
Boxer Shorts Boxer's Find command can perform syntax matching. For example, it is possible to find occurrences of the word 'while' only when it appears as a reserved word!
Boxer Shorts The Find Mate command not only finds mating parenthetical characters, but also HTML mated pairs such as <blink> </blink> and many, many others. You can use Configure|Preferences|Editing to add your own pairs.
Boxer Shorts When the text cursor is sitting atop a filename, use the Open Filename at Cursor command to load that file for editing. You'll find this command in the File|Open Other menu.
Boxer Shorts You can edit the content of the Windows clipboard, or any of Boxer's private clipboards, by using the Edit Clipboard command within the Edit menu. You can also quickly review the content of any Clipboard with the pop-up tool tips which appear there.
Boxer Shorts You can comment or uncomment a range of selected lines using the Comment or Uncomment commands in the Block menu. Boxer uses its syntax information to apply the appropriate comment sequence(s) to the selected lines.
Boxer Shorts The Auto-Number command can be used to automatically number a selected range of lines. Options are available for starting value, step, order, number system, justification, leading zeros, trailing spaces … even roman numerals.