The Problem
"Size Does Matter." It's a movie slogan from Hollywood, but it also applies to
today's computing industry. Music files, video files, zip files, main memory, hard
drives. Everything keeps getting bigger and bigger. It's not uncommon for media
and data files to tip the scales at 100 megabytes or more. Some files are over 1
gigabyte in size! At the same time, computer users need to store these
files on CDs, DVDs, high-capacity floppies, portable flash media, or send them by email. While
file sizes seem to be heading toward the infinite, file transfer and storage methods
continue to impose finite limitations.
The Solution
As is so often the case, the best way to handle a large problem is to break it into
smaller, more manageable pieces. File Append and Split Tool can
split massive files into smaller pieces, so that the pieces can be dealt with
individually. It can also be used to append the smaller files back together,
recreating the original file exactly. FAST is very easy to use, and can be used to split
all types of files, binary or text: ZIP, MPG, MP3, WMV, AVI, TXT, etc. And FAST
can be used on files of all sizes: up to 16 exbibytes (that's 16 million
terabytes!) on Windows NTFS file systems. You can specify the desired size of the
output files, select the output media, or simply indicate the number of files to be created.
Great stuff! I work with large audio files, and need to send
them to others by email for approval. I use F.A.S.T. to cut the
files into small pieces to avoid size limits on email attachments.
It's quick and easy. F.A.S.T. has been a real timesaver for me."
-- R. Ellison
Robust and Feature-Packed
File Append and Split Tool has been written with the same care and attention to
detail that you've come to expect from all Boxer Software products. The program's
error checking and reporting is exhaustive, and it contains all the features you would
hope for … as well as some you probably wouldn't have expected.
- Split files for sending via email, or to fit on portable or backup media
- Split files of any size: up to 16 million terabytes on NTFS systems
- Split files of any type: ZIP, MPG, MP3, WMV, AVI, TXT …
- Create a batch file to append files later on, without the need for FAST
- Drag and drop files onto FAST from Explorer, or other sources
- Name files on the command line
- Split files by user-defined size, standard media size, or into 'n' parts
- Arrange the file append order manually, or sort by name, date or size
- For text files, optionally split files on a newline boundary
- Flexible syntax for controlling sequential numbering of split files
- Option to force timestamp of output files to match that of input file
- Pause for media swap when writing to removable media
- Exhaustive error checking and reporting
- Installer and Uninstaller
Take FAST for a spin right now:
How can FAST be used?
Example 1:
You've created a large Zip file that's too big to fit on a single CD-R.
Drop the file onto FAST, click the Split button, and choose CD-R for the
output size. FAST will split the file into pieces, appropriately sized
for copying onto CD-Rs.
Example 2:
You need to share a large data file with a co-worker overseas. Even
after zipping, the file exceeds the size limit for email attachments. It's not
practical to send a CD, and time is of the essence. Use FAST to split
the file into pieces of any size you choose, and email the pieces individually.
You can also send your co-worker the batch file that FAST creates to make
reassembling the files easier.
Example 3:
A friend has emailed you an MPEG-2 (**) movie in several parts, in order to
skirt the size limit on file attachments. You'd like to assemble the parts
back together so they'll play as a single movie. Just drop the files onto
FAST, specify the output file, and click Append. (** Not all audio and
video files will behave in this way; experiment before proceeding.)
Example 4:
You use GoDaddy as your webhost and your log files are supplied to
you in a Zip file, one file for each day of the month. But your web
stats software runs best when given a single file to analyze. Just drop
the log files onto FAST, name the output file, and click Append.
Solid Performance, and Good Looks Too!
Here's a screenshot showing the main window of FAST, prior to a Split operation.
Click the image a full-size view:
Here's a screenshot showing the Split dialog:
Here's the main window, prior to an Append operation:
As shown in the in-program tips section, FAST is simple to use:
Order Today!
File Append and Split Tool is priced at just $19.95. Order your copy today and start saving time and effort!
File Append and Split Tool v1.0.0, for Windows
Delivery Method |
Price |
Online Store |
Download link sent via email |
$19.95 |
Download link sent via email and CD sent to US/Canada |
23.95 |
Download link sent via email and CD sent Overseas |
25.95 |
Multi-user licenses are also available. Please contact
100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee: We assure your
satisfaction with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. You must
be satisfied or we'll refund your purchase price in full.
Try Before You Buy
Still not convinced? Download a trial version
of FAST and try it for yourself. You'll be able to split and append files of all
types and sizes, and use all of the program's feature and functions. The trial
version is not time-limited in any way, but it is limited to six (6) split and/or
append operations. This allows you to fully evaluate the program in your own
computing environment, but prevents extended use.